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Ugh.... on Monday, October 3, 2011 , 6:32 PM
'Whether the weather be cold,
Or whether the weather be hot,
We'll weather the weather
Whatever the weather,
Whether we like it or not!'

October 1st was a great day... October 3rd?

Not so much.

I've been just moping around the house all day. To go from sun shiny days to dreary rainy and dark days. It's a very difficult change for me. I've felt sick all day (more so than usual) and to top, I'm starving, very tired and more so freezing. It's been around 45-50 degree weather, but in my house, it's even colder. My mothers refusal to use the heater. *Has been bundled up in my pooh bear sweatshirt and favorite sweats.*

The only good that came to me today was the completion of my skirt. I've got my shirt that needs to be done very soon, along with the cape type thinger, to finish my ensemble.  I would have liked to work on it tonight but... I feel so drained...

I'm quite frightful for this Winter, which scares me. I love Winter, it's my favorite season. I think it's such a beautiful time of the year, snow being something I find to be lovely. And yet- I'm already feeling hate towards it. I'm even considering attending colleges now in California or Florida, wanting to escape this weather in my future.

I feel so down right now, I want to curl up in my blankets and cry, no reason in particular.

Seriously. This weather has me in shambles...


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Foolish art, Unnecessary photos and silly writings...
This is it's haven u v u
No seriously. Just my personal things
and if I can take nice photos of things
this will be an excuse to show them to
my future self u v u

Layout: 16thday x