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Tablet is broken ; ; on Thursday, November 10, 2011 , 9:05 PM
"Obstacles are those frightful things you see, when you take your mind off the goal." 
~Henry Ford 

random king boy I'm drawing.

I have so much on my mind right now that I can't even begin to explain. Well to sum up my last week or two~
I watched My Sisters Keeper and now am quite depressed..
My opportunity for college 2012 fall is getting slimmer and slimmer.
I joined a forum rp for Hetalia (well not officially, but I'm very excited to chat with some other rpers and just hopefully make a friend or two!)

Fashion sketches I'm going to
water colour soon ; ; 
Ahh anything else.. Oh- Tonight I had my drawing class, and right now I'm just doing like.. Griding and re-sizing a picture. It's one of those things, where you're sitting there, looking for mistakes and you find none... Then the second your instructor looks at it, you go "THE CURVE ON THE LIP IS TOO LONG. I DIDN'T ANGLE THE EYE RIGHT. THE NECK SHADING IS REALLY OFF." And of course, you just want to point it all out to the teacher, but he says it instead... Which makes me feel like "Ah I know what I'm doing I'm... just not ... doing it."

$75 ; ; BUT looks so cute~
I'm saving up some of my money from work, so I can buy the Kigurumi Rilakkuma pajama suit * v * I'm so excited to wear it!! It looks so comfy, and it's so cold so I'm going to just like prance around in my bear suit, waving at the children outside. It'll be quite glorious u v u I'm also ordering my Feliciano necklace and Hetalia Season 2 the moment I get my money on my credit card. And I've got work this Saturday so yes excited Momo is excited!

My tablet is dead and gone and I won't be getting one till Christmas (46 more days) so I'm actually really upset about it... I'll be doing some inking and water colouring, but now I can't do my digital stuffs- *Sigh* Oh well..

Felix * v *  My Ginger boy~
I have been eating so much pasta lately, since it seems to be the only food that doesn't agitate my stomach too much.. I'm going get new lenses, since mine are almost at the 2 year, and my eyes just get worse and worse. My mom thinks the reason I'm always so sick is because of how much time I spend on the computer... Which I can't argue and say no. It could very well be true! Which would SUCK SUPER BALLS.

Ohh > v < I just read what my Ciel posted for my Kuroshitsuji thing I'm like gahh.. I love it u A u Gotta be one of my favorite rp's yet- I feel like we both do a pretty nice job, since mary sues are just galavanting all over the flippin place~ Plus she's a shotacon so.. It's all good times for me ♥

Alright- You know, it's a bit funny. I came on here, about to express how sad I am at the moment, how lonely I am, and was just going to rabble and ramble this post away... I guess it turned out a little nicer than I'd intended o v o / I'm pretty excited to take on my vacation day tomorrow!

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Foolish art, Unnecessary photos and silly writings...
This is it's haven u v u
No seriously. Just my personal things
and if I can take nice photos of things
this will be an excuse to show them to
my future self u v u

Layout: 16thday x